Learners will complete the Higher Certificate in Banking Services NQF Level 5.

This qualification will contribute to the development of the learner in the Banking Sector and provide workplace experience in Vehicle and Asset Finance products.

Key focus will be on fulfilling a customer facing role in sales support, business development, dealer risk and operations management.

Job Description

Workplace experiences: Attend and participate in all workplace experiences against agreed development objectives.

Learning: Attend and participate in all training and development interventions against agreed development objectives.

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Ad Hoc duties: Provide support to customers and team as required to ensure team performance on an ongoing basis.

Administration: Effectively fulfil all required administrative duties, including tracking and reporting

Minimum/ Essential Requirements:

  • National Senior Certificate
  • A completed degree (NQF 7) and / or post matric qualification at NQF level 6
  • Must be proficient in English
  • Computer Literacy is a must
  • Applicants must not be employed and be willing to commit to a 12-month development journey
  • Programme is open to candidates between the ages of 18 to 30 years
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  • GET Certificate: Business, Commerce and Management Studies (Required)

Placement & Stipend

  • Successful incumbents will be placed at the Pietermaritzburg in AVAF,
  • Successful candidates will receive a monthly stipend of R6 000 per month for the duration of the learnership programme


  • Applicants must attach a detailed CV containing all the relevant contacts and references
  • Applicants should include copies of their certificates, identity card and proof of address
  • Complete online occupational assessments
  • No criminal record
  • No false documentation
  • References with previous employers (where applicable)
  • Clear credit score
  • Not registered employee dismissal
  • Applicants must not be registered with any other learnership at the time of making application
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Opportunity Closing Date

Tuesday, 14 February, 2023 – 12:00


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